Ao vivo lançado em 2024.
Track List:
1. Slave to the Grind
2. The Threat
3. Big Guns
4. 18 and Life
5. Piece of Me
6. Livin’ on a Chain Gang
7. Psycho Therapy
8. In a Darkened Room
9. Makin’ a Mess
10. The Gang’s all Here
11. Riot Act
12. Tear it Down
13. Monkey Business
14. I Remember you
15. Time Bomb
16. Youth Gone Wild
Av. São João, 439 - 2º andar - Loja 313 - São Paulo - SP - CEP: 01035-000
De segunda a sábado, das 10:00 as 18:00
Fone: (11) 3331-3978 - Whatsapp: (11) 91108-0313