O terceiro álbum da banda lançado originalmente em 2021.
Track List:
1. War In
2. FN .380 ACP19074
3. Vimy Ridge (In Memory of Filip Konowal)
4. Pillars of Fire (The Battle of Messines)
5. Dont Tread on Me (Harlem Hellfighters)
6. Coward
7. ...and a Cross Now Marks His Place
8. Corps dautos-canons-mitrailleuses (A.C.M)
9. Mit Gott für König und Vaterland
10. The Green Fields of France (Eric Bogle cover)
11. War Out
Av. São João, 439 - 2º andar - Loja 313 - São Paulo - SP - CEP: 01035-000
De segunda a sábado, das 10:00 as 18:00
Fone: (11) 3331-3978 - Whatsapp: (11) 91108-0313